Electronic Data Interchange EDI

We will help your company succeed now and in the future

Embracing the more efficient business and logistics processes for e-commerce will improve the competitiveness of your company.

Trade Connector will provide customer-oriented electronic data interchange (EDI) services for electronic transformation of your order - delivery chain, transport logistics and invoicing quickly and cost-efficiently.

Specialized high-quality EDI services from Trade Connector

Customer-oriented electronic data interchange (EDI) services for electronic transformation your order - delivery chain, transport logistics and billing quickly and cost-efficiently. The electronic data interchange (EDI) services by Trade Connector cover e.g. Edifact, XML, ANSI X12 and JSON message formats, sales and purchase invoices and their digitization as well as system integrations.

Our competitiveness-improving high-quality services are easy to implement by the client and cost-effective. Our service portfolio is divided in two parts, the Professional Connector service customized for all clients for all enterprise resource planning systems and the Standard Connector service standardized for software companies and their clients.

We will help your company succeed – now and in the future
Professional Connector
EDI services customized for all clients for all enterprise resource systems.
Standard Connector
Standardized EDI services for SME clients of software companies

The company

Trade Connector will provide customer-oriented electronic data interchange (EDI) services for electronic transformation of your order - delivery chain, transport logistics and invoicing quickly and cost-efficiently.

Trade Connector is

  • an innovative provider of EDI-services for the order and delivery chain of e-commerce
  • a fast and reliable service operator and transmitter of EDI communication
  • an expert in the area of EDI, Edifact, XML, ANSI X12 and JSON electronic data interchange
  • very easy to reach, quickly-responding and flexible specialist in customer service – we provide our services both in Finnish and English
  • a cost-effective, experienced exchange provider, with a combined total of nearly 70 years of experience
  • an established Finnish company with an AAA credit rating
  • a workplace for content and happy employees.

We will help your company succeed – now and in the future

Contact us
Contact information
+358 102 350 412

Pukinmäenaukio 4A 

Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname@tradeconnector.fi
We will help your company succeed – now and in the future.

    You can also find us at