Specialized high-quality EDI services from Trade Connector

Customer-oriented electronic data interchange (EDI) services for electronic transformation your order - delivery chain, transport logistics and billing quickly and cost-efficiently.

Our electronic data interchange (EDI) services include the Professional Connector services customized for all customers for all enterprise resource planning systems as well as standardized Standard Connector services delivered to SME clients of software companies.

We will help your company to succeed – now and in the future.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) services include, among others: Edifact, XML, ANSI X12 and JSON message formats

The electronic data interchange (EDI) services by Trade Connector cover e.g. Edifact, XML, ANSI X12 and JSON message formats, sales and purchase invoices and their digitization as well as system integrations. Our competitiveness-improving high-quality services are easy to implement by the client and cost-effective.

Our service portfolio is divided in two parts, the Professional Connector service customized for all clients for all enterprise resource planning systems and the Standard Connector service standardized for software companies and their clients.

Trade Connector’s customers will have access to services by leading experts and top quality support. The technology behind the plethora of terms – e-commerce, electronic management of order and delivery chain, transport logistics, external warehouse management, EDI Electronic Data Interchange, Edifact, UBL, XML, ANSI X12, CSV formats; AS2, HTTP(S), SFTP, API interfaces, ERP systems and systems integration – is the core competence of Trade Connector.

As our client you get
  • access to our innovative EDI services for the order and delivery chain of electronic commerce
  • easy and fast commissioning of EDI messaging
  • customer-oriented service with short response time
  • local service in both Finnish and English
  • effective and predictable costs
  • monitored message translation and transmission
  • message tracking service
  • our class-leading expertise – we have a total of nearly 70 years of experience with electronic data interchange.

Our high-quality Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) services improve competitiveness of our customer company

Trade Connector’s electronic data interchange (EDI) service portfolio comprises the Professional Connector services customized for all customers for all enterprise resource planning systems as well as standardized Standard Connector services delivered to SME clients of software companies.

Operational costs of electronic data interchange (EDI) are very predictable

Trade Connector’s EDI services enable more efficient business and logistics processes and reduce the routine work connected to the systems. This saves our clients’ time and costs.

Commissioning costs and monthly fees define the price of electronic data interchange services. Trade Connector’s commissioning costs and monthly maintenance fees are fixed. Our invoicing for electronic data interchange services are either fixed or based on message lines. This allows you to predict the cost of using the service. The price also includes monitoring and support services.

After commissioning, as the EDI service operator Trade Connector is responsible for the functionality and monitoring of the client’s electronic data interchange, and Trade Connector will continue to be flexibly available for the customer’s needs. At Trade Connector, we always strive to reach an excellent partnership with the client. We ensure a first-class customer experience in all phases of co-operation.

Professional Connector EDI services will be customized for all ERP systems

Professional Connector services are EDI services customized for all clients for all enterprise resource systems and they cover Edifact, XML, ANSI X12 and JSON data formats, sales and purchase invoices with their digitization as well as system integrations.

Trade Connector’s services enable more efficient business and logistics processes and reduce the routine work in connection with the systems. This saves our clients’ time and costs.

Our extensive Professional Connector service highlights our expertise in data interchange on many different business branches, special expertise in the Customs office data interchange, knowledge of sales and purchase invoices as well as expertise of system integrations.

We also offer our standardized EDI Standard Connector services for SME client companies of software providers.

Professional Connector services include
  • customized system interface into the client’s application
  • checking of syntax (message interchange identifiers, integrity of transmission)
  • validation of data according to the data connection type as well as automatic error messages about syntax and validation errors
  • format conversion from the software company’s system interface to the format agreed with the partner
  • assigning product and party identifiers
  • automatic routing to business and co-operation partner (recipient)
  • delivery of an interchange to the recipient in converted format
  • handling of acknowledgements from the application interface of the business and co-operation partner
  • monitoring of data communication and user support
  • maintenance.

Professional Connector services in a nutshell

EDI (Edifact/XML) data interchange

We offer an easily scalable and extensive total solution for interchange of order - delivery chain EDI messages between our client and their coo-peration and business partners. We will build a customized system interface for our client.

Data interchange of the Customs Office

An EDI service operator authorised by the Finnish Customs Office, including declaration messages to various systems of the Customs Office, Web Service interface to the Customs Office and continuous monitoring of exchange messages.

Specialist in many different branches

We have decades of know-how from many different branches, such as imports, technical wholesale and transport logistics.

Sales and purchase invoice services

Total solutions for invoicing, including transmitting and receiving electronic invoices/email and printed invoices (sales invoices), as well as receiving electronic invoices and digitizing and interpreting printed invoices/attachment invoices from emails (purchase invoices).

System integrations

We will adapt the client’s ERP system to their partners’ systems, check the necessary data contents, processing rules and take care of the correctness and integrity of the material.

Consultation services for e-commerce

We can also offer special consultation for reviewing the total condition of readiness for electronic data interchange.

Standard Connector EDI services are standardized services for software companies’ client companies

Standard Connector services are standardized EDI services for SME clients of software companies, covering Edifact, XML, ANSI X12 and JSON data formats, sales and purchase invoices with their digitization as well as system integrations.

Trade Connector’s Standard Connector service highlights the excellent co-operation with software providers and system vendors for the benefit of the client. Electronic data interchange integrated to the fixed format of the software provider is in Standard Connector services a ready part of the software package. This allows a faster and less expensive commissioning of the service for e.g. suppliers of retail chain purchasing centres.

The message range of Standard Connector services is adapted to the message capacity of each application, generally receiving of sales orders, sending of delivery confirmations and missives as well as sending of sales invoices. They contain the same basic functions as the Professional Connector EDI services customized for all clients for all enterprise resource planning systems.

Standard Connector services include
  • a fixed format system interface into the application of the software company
  • checking of syntax (message interchange identifiers, integrity of transmission)
  • validation of data according to the data connection type as well as automatic error messages about syntax/validation errors
  • format conversion from the software company’s system interface to the format agreed with the partner
  • automatic routing to the business partner (recipient)
  • delivery of an interchange to the recipient in converted format
  • processing of acknowledgement from the application interface of the business partner
  • monitoring of data communication and user support
  • maintenance.
Contact us
Contact information
+358 102 350 412

Pukinmäenaukio 4A 

Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname@tradeconnector.fi
We will help your company succeed – now and in the future.

    You can also find us at